April 8, 2014

What's So Special About Being Normal?

Style Icon? 
Fashion has taken a tumble and banged its head on the curb, hard, or at least that seems like the most reasonable explanation for the Normcore trend. This is quite the about turn for an industry which is usually under fire for promoting ideals so out-of-reach even a step ladder wouldn't help with. While we are very much in favour of unlikely style icons, normcore as a trend feels a bit like a peacock has been dressed in a hessian sack.

There is something incredibly joyless about the whole thing, comfortable it undoubtedly is but trying to fit in and being normal are two things that have never really been at the top of our to do list. Minimalism might be all well and good and the inner confidence to be yourself is certainly something we can get on board with, but what if yourself isn't comfortable in plain clothes? Speaking about personal style at the Vogue Festival Grayson Perry said, "It's interesting that the term normcore came out of the fashion world. It's like they are so frightened of getting it wrong they have exempted themselves from being fashionable". For magpies like us, normcore feels far from normal, but brave to the last, Siobhan is determined to try it out so keep your eyes peeled for her upcoming normcore ootd, because you honestly might not notice.

Not Normally Into Being Normal

The normcore essentials, if you must

Jeans -  Topshop
Jumper - Uniqlo
Blouse - Zara
New Balance 420 Trainers - ASOS
Boucle Bomber Jacket - Monki


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